故事发生在韩国首都首尔的黑石洞李顺财一家,儿子李民永(崔民永 饰)和媳妇申智(申智 饰)正式离婚,申智留下孩子前往俄罗斯进修,将房子租给同学徐敏静(徐敏静 饰)。民永在父母家过起偷居过程,后因申智在俄罗斯遭小偷变得身无分文无奈回国,并与敏静一同生活。民永的母亲罗文姬(罗文姬 饰)再次成了照顾孩子的保姆,并同时忍受丈夫李顺才(李顺才 饰)和儿媳朴海美(朴海美 饰)。充满神秘的姜尤美(朴敏英 饰)一家搬到了黑石洞附近,被美丽打动的李敏浩(金彗星 饰)开起了自己的初恋之旅。民永因无法忍受嫂子侵犯自己的隐私权经常与其展开不可阻挡的家庭搞笑战争;新老师敏静渐渐爱上了申智的前夫民永,而李允浩(丁一宇 饰)则喜欢上了自己的老师敏静,一段纠葛的恋情围绕着四人展开
4.0 当我的指尖触碰到你的温度时
9.0 首尔破笑组
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7.0 指环王:力量之戒第二季
2024 剧情,动作,奇幻,冒险,韩剧简介:In Season Two of The Rings of Power, Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the peoples of Middle-earth to his sinister will. Building on Season One’s epic scope and ambition, the new season plu...